Bilingual Speech & Language Services


Ask Laleo...Laleo Answers!


There are lots of layers to your question, so let’s get started.

1)      Bilingualism doesn’t cause language delays. So on one hand, bilingualism is not a reason to have developmental concerns. On the other hand, if a bilingual child is showing true language delays, seeking support should not be deferred.

2)      When counting words, make sure you’re counting them correctly. See here and here to figure that out!

3)      When looking at how many words a child should have, make sure you understand the difference between “milestone” and “average.” See here to learn more.

4)      Remember that “amount of words” isn’t the only factor we look at to determine age-appropriate language development. We also look at how much the child understands, as well as other foundational skills for language development called “pre-linguistic skills.”

After taking those points into consideration, if you continue to have concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a speech-language specialist in your area. Ideally, they are well-versed in “bilingual speech-language development.”